What we do

  • Simultaneous Interpreting

    The speaker and interpreter speak almost at the same time. The speaker doesn’t need to pause in conversations. The interpreter listens to the source language and convert into target language almost real-time. Usually, it takes a group of linguists (2-3 people) to do it by taking turn in every 15-20 minutes for quality performance. Special set of equipment and technician are needed for simultaneous interpretation.
    It’s the best solution for large scale events, international summits, industry conferences, welcoming ceremonies, etc.
  • Consecutive Interpreting

    The speaker needs to pause during conversations for the interpreter to step in and render what being said into the target language. The interpreter listens to the source language and then interpret into target language. Usually, professional interpreters rely on note-taking for longer conversations.
    It’s the best solution for small to medium sized events, in-depth discussions, legal negotiations, sensitive business occasions, etc. As there are pauses in conversation, participants have chance to take more time to think and reflect on ideas and react appropriately.
  • Written Translation

    Written translation is about converting text from one language into another with functional equivalence to reach the same effect among target text readers to that of the source text reader.
    Quality translation is different from interpretation and it requires different efforts and skill sets to make sure that the translated text is not only accurate in meaning, but also reflect the same style, tone of the source language text. Hence, to achieve the same goal to that of the source text.
  • Executive English Coaching

    As trusted and requested by one of our existing clients, we start to offer one-on-one English coaching to Chinese executives to help elevate their English proficiency especially speaking English in professional and business settings. Those executives are either expanding business to or being promoted and relocated to another region or country where English is the main language.
    The coaching is completely tailormade and personalized for each individual after assessment as each person has different English level, education background, professional experience, etc.
  • While we’re happy to join you at any step of the way, we’re most effective if you bring us into your plans from the very beginning. That way, we understand your goals and ensure we can prepare and research in advance to deliver against your overall objective.